Venu Naturopathy


Mohammed Shafeeq

Mohammed Shafeeq

About Mohammed Shafeeq

More From Mohammed Shafeeq

Indian woman, P Sameera Khan, with Himalayan ambitions

A cyclist and mountaineer, she is out to prove to the world that girls are capable of doing anything without family support

Hyderabad: Vaccine capital of the world?

Amid the gloom caused by COVID-19, one sector which provided a ray of hope was life sciences, and turning challenge into an opportunity, Hyderabad fortified its position as a global force in the world of pharmaceutical

'Hyderabad's Nizam never discriminated against people on basis of religion'

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Spreading the message of Sufism through Urdu hip hop

Hip hop and Urdu may make strange bedfellows as also hip hop and Sufism, but an Urdu hip-hop band has come out with an album with a strange fusion of rap music with a Sufi message and mostly Urdu lyrics

Hyderabad floods cause untold misery to many families

Heavy rains and flash floods have caused untold misery to hundreds of families in Hyderabad as many of them lost everything in the worst natural calamity to strike the city in recent years

This Hyderabad resident runs a 'Rice ATM' to feed the hungry

The COVID-19-induced lockdown saw many heroes emerging in different parts of the country who went all out to feed the hungry and help the needy